Salon Punk Shop
How to Pack Out Your Salon on a Shoestring Budget
How to build salon clientele fast, and ... Have a Ton Of Paying Clients Hammering Down Your Salon Door!
IMPORTANT: Watch this 90-Second Video.
Grab YOUR COPY of a brilliant 200-page salon client building manual- for £1 only!
From the creator of best-selling salon building manuals Alan Forrest Smith.
Dear fellow creative and salon owner,
If you are smart you'll download this right now and I'll tell you why.
First, you read right - £1 for a 200-page eBook containing literally hundreds of how-to tips from experts on client building - a totally outrageous price I know that!
And there is no catch. No big after sell or anything. I mean ONE POUND - Am I nuts!
Honestly, I am so sick and tired of seeing salon owners ripped off with bad salon building information that even if you never read or pay for anything I write again this one book still gives you a strong opportunity to build your salon as fast as you want to build it.
And for a pound, if you don't read it maybe you're the one that's nuts, not me!
So today is a day a lot of things can change for you and your salon by simply downloading, opening, and reading the superbly effective and powerful insights you'll read within minutes of ordering.
Don’t get me wrong building a salon business isn’t easy and has all the usual trials of staff, clients, and more. Yet you are about to read literally tons of powerful, tested, and useful information that can help you become one of the best-paid salon owners in your town, become the number one salon in your town and have the ability to charge the best prices in your town and more.
Hard to believe yet I myself started my salon charging £5.95 for a cut and blow and within 18-months I was charging £45 and then £75. This was during the years 1989-1995. More about my salons further down. So I know it can be done.
I know you can do it and despite the length of time you’ve had a salon, you can do it faster than you probably ever thought possible once you know-how.
After you order do this...
My advice to you before you go one word further after your download is…
- Take some undisturbed time
- Get a notepad and pen
- Read each part one step at a time
- Review and see what changes you can put into your salon
- Just do it and let no one stop you from doing it.
Change is always a choice. If you don’t want the same results in your salon you need to and must make the changes. If you do the same – it all remains depressingly exactly the same.
It’s up to you. Are you ready?
Get a ton of salon clientele in your salon right now
Ready? OK here is what you need to know about how you pack out your salon on a shoestring budget.
Grab your copy right now before I change my mind and remove this offer.
£1 - Yes, that's right £1 only.
Once you place the order you will get two emails.
The 1st email will acknowledge the order
The 2nd email will contain your 200-page manual - How to Pack Out Your Salon On a Shoestring!
Order on this page
Here's to your successful and packed salon
Alan Forrest Smith and team Salon Punk
Ps ... Punk salons are packed salons ... Join the band!