Salon Punk Shop
Salon Column Builder - Classic 1st edition
"using Salon Column Builder doubled my hairdressing business from 8k to 16k in weeks!"
"Once I subscribed to the salon builder.....Wham...I put the gears into action, made up vouchers and welcome letters to suit our salon, followed your £10 voucher and walked the street....My turnover is improving"
You wont find anything out there like the power of Salon Column Builder. Why? It's nearly 20 years of my own proven expereince packed into literally hundreds of easy to read pages.
ANY salon owner or manager can increase their business with my ideas ... ANY! If it doesn't, ask for your money back!
I can show ANY Hairdressing salon how to double their business. It's dead easy. So easy in-fact most people are amazed when they see what I can do for them.
If you have any interest in doubling your salon business ... devour all of this page and then make a smart choice. Its up to you. Read it now.
Dear Friend,
I understand, I did it for nearly 20 years -- getting any hairdressing salon busy and getting hairdressers of their backsides and cutting hair all day long isn't easy!:
The great news is though I am going to show you exactly how you can sort that out and then have your hairdressing salon packed to the limit with clients.
Let me tell you a story about my own hairdressing salon first, it'll help you to fully understand how I went from £60,000 per year to £250,000 and NO HASSLES from staff and how easy it is for your hairdressing salon to do the same.
My First Salon Business!.
It was a tiny salon, but the problem was I grew out of it very quickly. Within 18 months I had 3 staff, myself and the salon was far too small (250sq feet).
At this point hairdressing salon management was a cinch. After all, we were one of only a handful of salons in a village and we seemed to be packed day in day out. So I decided to go for a bigger salon premises. Guess what ...
Hair salon management is NEVER easy I learnt the hard way.
And when I say hard, I mean tough. Here's why.
I went from one full time stylist and one part time to, six full time stylists, three or so apprentices, myself and a receptionist.
Now lets be honest here, we're hairdressers first and foremost, not bank managers. We can do hair shows and night outs but running a business is nothing like running a bunch of totally nuts stylists, right?
Within months I painfully realized something in my salon that needed a fast track solution. That something was...
IS THIS YOU: "I Was Doing All The HairdressingAnd My Staff Were Busy Drinking Coffee And Sat In The Backroom Twiddling Their Turbo-Dryers and Tongs?"
In other words, all the cash going through the till was being taken by me, the owner, the mug. Day in day out I was blunting my scissors, stood behind my chair all day long while my staff were doing nothing, zilch.
Lets be honest, they just want their wages at the weekend so why should they get their knickers in a twist over me working like a crazed hairdresser, they still got paid so hey, who cares, not them! Starting to sound familiar? Okay ...
... Just for the record at this point. I was taking nearly 60% of the salon turnover. I'll put my money on you can relate to that as a salon owner right?
Drastic action was needed: I decided to finish three stylists and try and grow the others. Problem I now had was I was busier that ever and the remaining 3 were doing less than ever. Even worse... I couldn't get a minute to train and educate them.
I joined business clubs, spoke to "consultants" went on courses, re-fitted the salon and you name it ... I did it. Did it grow my stylist columns and salon business though? NO.
After all that expense, wasted money and bad rip-off advice I nearly went bust. This was the turning point that helped me grow my system and literally explode my salon profits.
A Turning Point That Made My Hairdressing Business and Will Work For Yours.
I sat at home and thought about the hairdressing monster I had created. Created a solution that had been used in other business's. I started it and after testing stuff and persevering ... it worked.
I developed a system for new stylist, old stylists, in a rut stylist, pulling in clients, packing out columns and eventually getting myself of the salon floor. In other words...
I Can Share With You A Stack of Tips That Are Salon-Tested-To-The-Hilt, 100% Proven to Exactly What I promise And Will Get Your Stylist And Salon So Busy You'll Be Spending Your Profits For Years To Come.
GET OFF THE SALON FLOOR: Can easily get off the shop floor, relax and watch your appointment book burst with new business (getting off the salon floor might feel impossible, right. Not now I promise)
MORE CASH IN THE TILL: Can watch and support your stylists and team take all the cash for my salon and my wages, their wages and new profits for some more of life luxuries for yourself
STACKS OF NEW CLIENTS: Can be amazed as you watch your new client base literally erupt like a tub of bleach left overnight (Steve Winder went from 2 new clients a week to over 30 per week using my tip's!)
SMASH TARGETS WEEKLY: Can be taken by the hand and be blown-over as you see your hair salon business hit new levels and break old targets week, after week, after week (one salon owner has reported to me during numerous supporting phone calls that she had to buy the shop next door to accommodate new business. Her salon income tripled over a 3-4 month period!).
EASY EFFECTIVE MARKETING: Can kick-start the cheapest yet highest returning marketing program you'll ever see in your life. Stuff what the Reps and glory boys tell you coming through your salon this is the kind of program that WILL show you marketing is a cinch.
This bits important. Its essential you remember the whole bag of tricks has been created by little old me, a regular salon owner/hairdresser just like you not some stuffed up rep that knows nothing about real salon life.
I have tested it over years of hairdressing salon management. It works, a totally fail-proof, bullet-proof, idiot-proof, fast track appointment book column building system that promises you, to take you by the hand slowly and give you every single tested step to pack out your stylists column FAST. Well, when I say fast I mean ...
Are YOU Ready Yet To See YourStylists with Jammed PackedAppointment Books In 12 Weeks Or Less?
... and while all the salons around you have their hairdressers sat on their backsides in back rooms getting high on caffeine, I promise your stylists will be servicing client after client after client and ... after client.
Read ALL OF IT!!! It is really great... if salon owners use these techniques, or even some of them, they cant loose!!
Especially like, Hairdressers, Why Do They Never Listen? and the Re-Design Flyer, brilliant!
Ellen saxe, Capelli Salon, New York
Here is a guy that can tell you more.
Real-Life Story of a Regular Hassled To Death Salon Owner
Hi Alan
As promised here goes my first results with Salon Column Builder™.
I have been in the hairdressing business for 8 years. I have 2 shops one just hairdressing and one that is hair and beauty. The latter I have had for 3 years and the other for nearly 8 years.
The first shop has gone from strength to strength and staff retention has been fantastic however this has caused its own problems with a certain amount of what I call “Comfort Zoning”everyone does well and earns a good wage things are easy and everyone works reasonably hard.
With rising overheads over the last 2 years, things from a profit point of view have suffered. I keep tight budgets 14%-16% of turnover for stock and retail 55% wage bill etc. The wages have been difficult to control for the following reasons:
As minimum wage has hit Juniors have become very expensive. We have had the luxury of training our juniors during the day which has affected turnover but the training has been much more successful as they take more in during the day and I feel that it would be a step in the wrong direction to go back to evenings.
I was paying my stylists 40% of their takings on target figures however I realised these were becoming easier to hit and were two low. As we improved average bill and got things the way they should be everyone was hitting their 40% with ease.
So in November we had a price increase of 10% (for the business) and we changed stylists commission to 35%. Fun that was as you can imagine trying to explain that one, anyway I have put in bonuses so in-fact they can still earn 40% but at much more realistic figures.
I have never really marketed our salon or done special offers apart from Christmas time more to reward the clients than anything else. Then I stumbled across your web site and found the content really refreshing and interesting and exciting. After reading many of your ebooks I soon realised how I had been missing out!!
So the minute I saw the Column builder I just had to get it. The day I got it I was presenting a Strategy Meeting with my staff for 2004, what a fantastic opportunity to put what I was reading into practice.
So I explained some of the things we were going to do and they all seemed very supportive. At the same time I had a really good Senior Stylist from my other shop leave and I used the Job Flyers in the window to help find someone.
I have always had a ongoing recruitment plan in place but this was the first time I had really marketed the idea. What a response, not so much from stylists but receptionists and juniors coming out of my ears. One stylist did come in but he wanted to work at my first shop and not the other as he had a big client base he said would follow him.
So I thought well I do not really need someone here but I will interview him and give him a trade test. He was Fantastic!!! I just had to take him on!!!! So great new stylist, Column Builder program, lets give it a real shot. You see to him this was how we always operated he did not realise that I had just got all this great information.
So we worked thru the vouchers, how to get people to rebook, consultation, with the focus on redesign (as everyone in our area are “colour experts”) flyers in the windows re new stylist offers, out in the street giving out leaflets, in local shops and in the area he used to work in, and as I said ...
... he was fully booked Thursday, Friday and Saturday taking £700 even with the offers. Great! monitored his progress put up the sheets you sent and put all the others staffs details on their two.
Now we have always put a graph on the staff room every week but with out the detail its always been who took the most. Every member of staff was interested and could not wait to find out who had rebooked the most clients.
The second week went just as well even thought the weather caused a lot of cancellations. But he was still busy full booked Friday and Saturday, he even took the most on Saturday just gone!!!
I have noticed that the rest of the team have really started to pull their socks up, have started to be able to fit people in?, retail more? have fun in trying to get clients to rebook?.
The third week. Things still going well!! My new stylist took £959.00 nett last week and did loads of offers, the flyer re only 50 cut & colours working fantastically well.
He has done 10 new clients to the salon and 50% have already re-booked. Starting new stylist at our other shop next week and we will be doing the same with her.
So far things have gone extremely well with the Salon Column Builder I promise to keep you posted. Thanks.Hope that helps..
Kind Regards.
Steve Winder, Salon Owner stevewinder1@yahoo.co.uk
PS Steve recently updated me on his progress and tells me one of his team is taking around £1,700 per week and all the salon is booked up every single week. It has taken him 16 weeks to get to this stage. NOT BAD I SAY!
Listen to Steve Winders story by clicking play right now!
"Hi my name is Steve Winder. I own my own hair salons.
Alan didn't ask me to do this. I wanted to show him how grateful I was for his advice and maybe share my expereince with you. Click play and you can hear what happened to my salon using
Will What You Read From Me Pack Out Your Salon With Clients?
Read this: Ok, here is what you can start applying within minutes of download.
Simple child like steps for making Salon Column Builder work (I cant tell you how easy to do this really is, you just have to try it)
Target and goal sheets.
Consultation sheets (I even show you what your team should say and ask clients so they can increase coloring or other salon services and retail)
Goals sheets.
Stylist agreements (get them signed and the stylist will go with your new ideas without any hassle)
Script cards (I have even written every word that can be said over the phone for you to clients calling the salon for maximum impact)
Newspaper adverts (one advert for a redesign service totally exploded our stylists columns).
Flyers for handing out (this is so easy, shows you how to get your salon busy within minutes on any quiet day)
Discount vouchers ready to copy
How to make FREE hairdressing work and grow your salon(DON'T fall into the trap of you don't do offers. free hairdressing can erupt your salon takings by monster amounts)
How reminding clients can explode your takings (when you do this you can increase your salon business and takings by at least a gigantic 40%. The way we I did it grew my business by well over 100%!)
How to create A-boards that work.
How to create Ads that work
Over 200 pages of tested "REAL-SALON" systems
Plus much, much more.
By the way I haven't shown you my salons yet. Here's a pic or two for you...
My main hairdressing salon was 2,000 sq feet. Sadly the male stylist in this picture was one of the hairdressers that really kicked me in the teeth.
After looking after him for over 7 years he walked over the road to another salon 100 yards away!
Funnily enough it never affected the business just my ego at the time. Some hairdressers have no idea what integrity actually is!
This picture was from a madder time when I just went a little nuts and painted the salon a million colors! All salons were mad busy 6 days a week!
Check out the following results from a few hair salon owners that are using salon column builder
More Profits. One salon owner (Rebecca from Bahrain) literally doubled her takings from £4,000 to just over £8,000 in less than 10 weeks.
More Clients. A salon owner called me and excitedly reported that he had taken his weekly clients from 230 to 410 per week in just 6 weeks of using Salon Column Builder. They simply applied the tips for measuring, tracking and marketing their salon.
More Sales. Another salon owner struggling with sales of color emailed me from New York and thank me for helping her to increase salon color sales from 7% to 31% of clients having a color using the consultation tips.
More Hairdressing. A salon owner based in the UK (Jeanette in Liverpool) has been forced into buying the empty shop next door so she can accommodate the new business from Salon Column Builder marketing ideas and street flyers. Doubled her premises. Quadrupled her salon profits! She thinks I'm great ;-)
More Cash In The Bank. I can tell you this from my private correspondence with salon column builder users. Using my program has literally given hundreds of salon owners cash in the bank of thousands upon thousands of extra profits. Its easy. It works. If it doesn't for you ... ask for your money back.
More Time For You. More than one salon owner using Salon Column Builder loved the ideas about managing. They put them into practice and have gone from six day weeks to 2-3 day weeks in their salons.
... and just let me tell you this; a salon owner called me just before she bought and asked me ... "how can you guarantee it won't be a load of hyped up #@$%"
I told her to just try it and make up her own mind. Two hours later she rang me back and told me "I was stupid for letting out such valuable information at a ridiculously low price!" I agree with her.
Only a fool won't see the incredible benefits of using this program! Why? Because ...
Alan ...without you my business would not have gone from four thousand pounds to eight in a matter of weeks and due to yourSalon Column Buildersalon column builder I might add.
Reb, Rebecca-ZA.Chapman@noriba.com
Here a re a few nice things others have said about salon column builder
My Dearest Alan:
I think that you have saved my life and the 6 kids who depend on me to put food on the table. I cannot not, put your book down. Thank you so so much
Maria, Kabbana Beauty Spa, Bristish Columbia, Canada.
Hello Allan - bloomin heck what an amount of stuff -Don't know what I was expecting , this seems like an unbelievable amount of information , going to spend the next few evening digesting then take action cheers, Jen.
Just a short note about your Salon Column Builder ebook.Have put into practice the first few pages of the book and have given my new stylist (Started Monday) some vouchers copied from the book and guess what he was fully booked Thursday, Friday and Saturday!!!! fantastic!!!! thanks!!!!
Steve Winder, stevewinder1@yahoo.co.uk
Hi Alan
I signed up for all of Alan's courses (e-books) after taking on a dying salon taking £300 per week. that was in may 02 ,9 months later I am now expanding into the empty shop next door.since putting all of Alan's ideas (and a few of my own) into operation I am now unable to fit all of my new clients into my present salon and taking more money in one day than I used to take in a week, this is just with myself 2 other stylists and 2 juniors working.
So.... if anyone has any doubts about any of Alan's ideas and courses just re-read the above a couple of times and get out your credit card and sign up. You wont be disappointed I promise.
Jeanette (a much better off and happier salon owner)
p.s. I am based in a small town in Liverpool UK and if we can do it anyone can.
Order Right Now and I am Going To Give You These Amazing Free Bonuses
How to Get More Profit from your Salon Workers
Copy them or print them off and use them directly in your salon. Value £27.99
How to Stop Your Staff from Leaving
Easily apply to your own salon. Value £27.99
Mystery Bonus to be found on the page
Value £47.99
Special email support directly to myself. I cannot answer most emails for free support these days but I do answer your with Salon Column Builder. Value £500. per hour
Finding Stylists The Easy Way & Solving Client Problems. 90 Minutes Long
You know that problem we all have as salon owners? Yep the problem of ... Where Do I Find a New Stylist?
Well, I have been down that road a million times myself. But you know ... the answer was always right under my nose in my salon! It'll be the same for you I am sure.
If you want a fast-track tip that has always worked for me here it is.
Value £97.00
How To Double Your Salon Profits Over The Holiday Period. 15 Minutes Long
For years I had a secret that used to double our salon takings over the holiday period. It worked and worked very, very well. It helped us take on stacks of new clients and at the same tome double our income.
Plus ... it got rid of any quiet periods between xmas and new year. Simple but highly-effective! Value £14.95
I would hate you to feel ripped off or be disappointed so ... email me right away and ask for a 100% refund. I wont be a problem at all.
Hi Alan, Thank you for your help, I finally was able to download your ebook and this is my first time of doing something like it, but I tell you I was already blow away by some of the information that I was able to look at for now. By just looking at the information you have pack up in your book, it so amazing how you do it.
Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge, no one can put prize on what you have there. It just amazing and I am speechless.
Immediately after you pay you will be taken over to a download page. This is where the e-manual Salon Column Builder will be found.
If for any reason you do not get that page right away please email me and as soon as I get your email I will reply with a new link for you.
Reminder: You will get nothing in the Mailbox. This is a download only!
Let Me Explain How You Get Column Builder Within Seconds After Your Order.
Instantly after ordering you will get 2 emails.
The 1st email will acknowledge the order
The 2nd email will include your products.You will see the blue lines on the page – they are links.
You will see the blue lines on the page – they are links.
To open each salon column builder file all you do is …
1. Right click on your mouse over each link.
2. A box appears above the link,
You can see above where you move your mouse to where it says … SAVE TARGET AS?
When your PC asks you this, you simply choose a location to save the files.
You can choose to save to your desktop or in a folder. You can save anywhere on your PC for easy finding later.
Then go to the eBooks on your desktop, double-click and that’s it, they are ready to read and print out!
Dead Simple … You Can Read Salon Column Builder Less Than 1 Minute After Ordering!
YES, YES, YES Alan I am ordering right now. I can’t wait to get salon column builder so I can increase my salon business fast.
I am ordering on the basis that if I don’t like it … you’ll refund me 100% PLUS … I can keep all of the bonuses above.
Click On The Button Below To Gain Instant Access to salon column builder.
Only £97.00
Alan Forrest Smith
PS: If you need any help just email me at info @ salonpunk.com
PPS: I can ONLY answer support questions from salon column builder users.