15 Best Salon Marketing Ideas To Get New Clients Into Your Hair Salon – Salon Punk Shop - Best Salon Management Books
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15 Best Salon Marketing Ideas To Get New Clients Into Your Hair Salon Fast

Tamara Forrest-Smith

What's the Best Salon Marketing Ideas To Get Clients Into Your Salon Fast?

The principle to get new clients through your hair salon door is really very simple.

The more salon marketing you do, the more opportunity for you to get more clients into your salon.

You must keep asking yourself: how much and how varied is the salon marketing I do on a daily basis?

Here is a list we advise our MENTOR EXTREME clients to do DAILY to bring clients into their salons. These have brought as many as 404 new clients into one salon in a single week!

Here's the best and quickest list for you and your hair salon.

  1. Salon marketing flyers - might sound old fashioned yet they will bring clients into your hair salon very quickly. Hand them out not the street, in shops, to friends to homes… just fill the town and watch those clients come to your salon.
  2. Hair Salon Vouchers to market your salon - who doesn’t love money-off? To get a potential new salon client to make a snap decision to come into your salon (and change salons) a voucher does it. We are not advocates of discounts at Salon Punk so avoid the word- DISCOUNT - and make them an offer they cannot refuse to get those clients into your salon fast!
  3. Joint ventures - this is where we team up with other local businesses so they send new clients into our salon. Don’t forget to create a great reward to encourage them to send those clients for haircuts and colours.
  4. Salon Posters- if they sell movies they will sell your salon. Where in town can you post them so you are being seen by new clients? If you want new clients into your hair salon you have to be seen. Posters are a great way of getting seen. The bigger the better.
  5. Tent cards - these are small folded cards in your hairdressing salon. I would advise you to post them everywhere in your salon. Use these to encourage your existing clients to send more clients into your salon.
  6. A-Boards - get them printed and get them out on the street. New clients and potential clients will see them.
  7. Window signage - remove the retail shelves and fill your windows with great news, unique news about your salon and team. Make the window an area of course to attract new clients into your salon. In one salon we worked with during mentor extreme they exploded their new clients will some very cool poster work.
  8. Salon Referral vouchers - when does properly they can work amazingly well. This is the most perfect way to bring new clients into your salon very quickly.
  9. Business cards - obvious yet rarely used two they should be used. Have you thought about writing offers not hem and asking clients to hand them to friends? This is a great source of new clients and a cheap way of bringing them into your salon.
  10. Script - when a new client calls your salon who do they speak to a and how do they answer? One of the big ways I have seen as a salon mentor of getting more clients booked in and increasing salon average bills is to create a script to be used on the phone. This means to write something down and make sure the team are trained to say it when the new client calls.
  11. Direct mail - rarely used in hair salons yet still incredibly powerful. When is the last time you sent actual letters to clients to get them to bring new clients into your hair salon? This is a great way to increase visits from existing clients and ask them to bring new clients with them into your hair salon.
  12. Email marketing for salons - for some reason, most salons I deal with do not like to over email clients. Yet this is a great way to keep clients regular and again ask them to bring new clients into the salon with them. I always advise my salon mentor clients to email a minimum of once a week. When they do the results always show.
  13. Social media - well it depends but as part of a bigger way to get seen and grow your salon it can work. I will advise you to be conscious of doing something different with your social media if you want to attract new clients. Doing the same will just attract the same. If you want to attract new clients you need to push your social media to new limits.
  14. Do incredible salon consultations
  15. Support the stylist consultations with haircuts and colours everyone in your town will talk about.

The best way to attract new clients is to just be seen. Mass coverage, mass marketing and doing as many things as you can to make sure clients are coming into your salon.

If you are ready to take your salon to the next level read more here. Our powerful and proven SALON EXTREME 21 fills salons of all ages and sizes with new clients fast.

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